Saturday, April 5, 2008


Mom came across this long lost photo recently and asked if I would scan and print it for her. The original, which was in amazingly good shape was very small. Maybe 2 by 1.5 inches. I didn't actually measure it. Suffice it to say, I said a little prayer during the scan process. I really wanted it to turn out well for her. And not just for her, but for myself and my other siblings as well. You see, this is not just an old photo. It is an old photo of my Mom sitting with her Mom. What makes this a very special photo is that there were not many pictures taken of my Mom when she was young. Add to that the sad fact that Grandma died of a cerebral hemorrhage not long after this was taken. You get the picture.

For a while, I wondered why so few pictures were taken of my Mom. But considering she was the youngest of 12 children I can imagine that family had quite a busy life going on. It is amazing to see a photo like this. A moment captured that you can visualize, add color to, set in motion. See a glimpse of a life that is so precious to you. See a glimpse of a soul you were never able to know. What was Mom looking at to her left? Why so serious? The leaning in to her Mom speaks of love and closeness. The top of her dogs head in front of her, "Toughie" was his name. This picture is like so many of lifes little pleasures, that pop up out of the blue and touch us in places we did not know existed. What a treat to see, scan, and print this precious memory. Thanks Mom.
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